How to Listen

How to Listen

Discover the hidden key to better communication

Author: Oscar Trimboli

Genre: Self-Help

Published Date:

Summary: It was past due that I address my listening skills with an intent to improve and be the kid in class again. I find I get distracted easily and or cannot put my mind down to listen to someone else. I jump, interrupt, distract, fidget, and otherwise skip to the end of an explanation. Videos on 2x speed in order to keep up with me. But really what’s going on is I lack the skills necessary to perceive and interpret someone fully when they speak. There’s more to a delivered line than the words and the definition that line makes up. It’s the tone, the smells, the sounds, the body language, the intentions, the unintended signaling, etc. If I knew all this was relevant and important to fully understanding the complexity of any given person talking, then I would have come along this way a lot sooner. Either way, here I am. For self, for relationship, and for life. Enjoy, my summary on How to Listen. Cause I can’t, not nearly half as well as my girlfriend. Real life starts in the details.


My How to listen review

Listening is the willingness to have your mind changed. The difference between hearing and listening is action.

Rating: ⭐ 4 / 5


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